Thursday 10 March 2011

What's a hair or two between friends?

It's weird how, if you like people, their bodily traces are not such a problem as when you don't. I speak specifically of pubes on the side of the bath. I remember a woman, my erstwhile hairdresser, who used to receive her clients at home, and this meant leaning over her bath to get your hair washed. I always found her husband a bit swarthy and suspicious (this proved to be right when he later had an affair with a Ukranian colleague) and thus the sight of his sprinkle of body hair, which she probably saw too but chose not to say anything, was always a bit gross. It's even worse when you find them on a public toilet, but that goes without saying. However, when you are staying with people you like and know to be not only kind but hygienic, the odd pube or two is not really that disturbing. You ignore them or simply blow them away. How strange you must think me to be writing this. But I simply had to share it with you.

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