Friday, 1 October 2010

Why you don't go to the local hairdresser!

Just got back from Murnau where I had my hair done by a very able and pleasant 'girl' (I sound like my mother!). What a relief. I knew before we moved here that I would have to find one soon and it was weighing on my mind, in all senses of the word. A few houses along from us in the village is a large sign advertising 'Hanni's Haarstudio'. How practical, I thought first, a hairdresser within walking distance. In fact, I can even see it out of my living room window. But something - caution, instinct, I don't know what - stopped me going there. Eventually I asked someone who lives down the street. Apparently, she's never been there, and nor has anyone else in the village that she knows of. Bizarre! But you know why? Nobody dares, because if Hanni were to give you a mullet, and you wished never to darken her salon doors again, she'd know about it. And in a village, that would cause no end of trouble. No, the trick is to go to a neighbouring village or town, which guarantees anonymity and reduces the risk of ever seeing the hairdresser again. Hence my decision to go to Murnau!

Turns out that my hairdresser knows Hanni, who apparently shares her premises with her husband the slaughterer, her brother the mechanic, an Oma and several cats. I feel I've had a lucky escape.

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