Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Jays - (Warning, Nature-Lover Post!)

I don't know whether I love or hate jays. Their only redeeming feature seems to be that flash of cerulean blue in an otherwise dull plumage. Yesterday, Titus helped me hang up 6 bags of birdseed in our apple tree. It actually looks quite picturesque - a kind of autumnal take on a Christmas tree. It didn't take long for word to get round the little crowd (bluetits, sparrows, great tits etc) - they've been arriving in flocks since sunrise. But just one jay is enough to empty the tree in a trice. I even caught him sitting on a branch to which I'd tied a bag of seed, lifting up the string with his beak in order to get a peck at the bag. Crafty or what? You can tell he is related to magpies. They, however, have a nasty streak, whereas jays tend to be shy and don't steal your jewellery.

PS: if you've read this far, you'll probably be interested to know that I saw a pair of goldcrests last Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting story. It has always struck me as funny when people utilize the phrase: "You eat like a bird", to refer to someone who eats very little. Such phrase is a fallacy because birds can eat an awful lot.
