Friday, 8 October 2010

We passed!!!

Yay! Our cars are fully in accordance with German safety standards. The guys cocked an eyebrow at CG's unorthodox method of operating his electric window (you need to press the button and push the glass upwards with your other hand, simultaneously) but otherwise, no problem.

So we went off to buy a new mattress to celebrate.

This afternoon Titus has his first judo lesson. We went along to watch last week, so we know that he is by far the smallest in the group. What he lacks in size, however, he makes up for in energy. He can't really be bothered to learn all the basics; his main goal is to master the trick of being able to floor all members of his family whenever he feels like it. He was also most impressed, last week, that the black belt in charge is a 70-year-old woman. She came in late, and I wondered if she was a bit senile and had put on the wrong belt by mistake. She looked so.... doddery. But then she set to work, and wow! She certainly deserves that belt. She has a wizened assistant, whose belt is brown - is this good, as in nearly black?? I didn't like to ask.

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