Wednesday, 20 October 2010

How you know when your child is NOT sick

Titus was all growly and coughing this morning, so I let him stay at home. Normally this would annoy me, as it would impede my housework for the day, but as I had to wait for the telephone man anyway, I gave in.

Just now I asked him how he was feeling. "Does it hurt anywhere?" I said.
"Yes... in my knee, no I mean my leg, actually no, it's my foot..." came the reply.
"Which foot?" I asked. "Why don't you choose one, Mummy"! Ha.

The telephone man came at 1440. I hope I never have to see him again. There are people on this planet who are devoid of all humour, and he was part of this elite group. I try to avoid them if at all possible - they make me nervous.

So World Boring Day grinds to a close. The snow is getting lower and lower down the mountains, threatening to wipe out autumn 2010 forever. Hang in there, deciduous trees! At least till my Dad comes...

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