Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Nosy neighbours

That's what we call the people next door, who are one of those identikit, German OAP couples... you know the type - white haired, beige/pale green/brown unisex clothing, glasses, stout shoes etc. You can set your watch by their habits and they are meticulously clean. They seem to wash everything immediately after use, as far as we can see (I'm sure they're equally, if not more, hygenic indoors). Most people wouldn't consider it necessary to hose down a bike after a 5 min turn around the block, especially in fine weather. But when you've got all the time in the world, as they have, why not?

When we first arrived in mid-September, the weather was fine every day and our every move was observed by the nosy neighbours, who like nothing better than to sit on their patio watching the world go by. To their credit, they smile and chuckle and couldn't be more friendly. They even pretend to understand me when I talk to them. Nevertheless, it is unnerving to have to reverse your car down a long, narrow driveway under their scrutiny. I'm yet to crash into the gatepost, and they always give me a reassuring wave once I've made it out onto the street.

Now the days are getting colder and their terrace is a little chilly for people-watching, but I'm sure I still see the curtains twitch whenever we leave the house or return home. One thing is certain - we do not want to get on the wrong side of these guys; they are the mayor's parents, no less, and as anyone who has experienced German village life will testify, you don't mess with him!

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