Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Be suspicious of anyone wearing a neon hat

I managed 14 km this morning, which I was quite happy with. It would have been 15, but that 1 km extra involved taking a different path. Was preparing to do this when I spotted an oddly-attired fellow-runner (that's giving him the benefit of the doubt), waving at me furiously through the mist. He was particularly distinctive, in that he was sporting a neon-pink bobble hat. I did my usual trick of looking behind me first, to check he didn't mean someone else, but no, we were alone. So I - quite smoothly, I thought, turned round again quickly, as if to say "oh no, I've dropped my phone/watch/bottle/etc" and sped off in the other direction.

My new book, the Complete Book of Running, is to blame for this heightened sense of personal safety. There is a special chapter for women runners, where we are warned that ANY man is a potential rapist, however benign the physical appearance. And they tell you to run early in the day, as "bad people tend to sleep longer in the mornings". I guess they need to recover from the previous night's stalking.

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