Monday 6 June 2011

Don't cancel your trip yet

Poor Bienenbüttel.  Where?? I hear you ask.  Bienenbüttel is a rural town, some 40 miles south of Hamburg.  And we used to live there.  I never thought I would read about it in a British newspaper, but today I did.  Sadly, the reason for this sudden notoriety is the bad beansprout farmer who's currently copping the blame for the E.coli outbreak.  If you want to read more, here's a link:

I know that if this epidemic develops I will be forced to eat my words - as long as I wash them first.  I don't wish to disregard the fact that people have died; to date, 21 Germans and 1 Swede.  But it is amusing to read the dire warnings in the press to travellers to Germany - avoid salad at all costs.  (This shouldn't be too difficult, as in my experience, visitors to Germany aren't interested in sampling the salad.  And most vegetables are cooked to a pulp, so no danger there.)  No, it is the fear-mongering, the almost German paranoia being generated by normally non-sensationalist newspapers that I find interesting.  And even worse, the worryingly anti-German comments to the articles; here's a good one:

Surely instead of 'visitors to Germany should avoid salads', it should be 'salad eaters should avoid Germany'?

Or what about this:

Travellers to Germany should avoid Germany....................and the EU as a whole. And what a hole.


Oh, and in case you were wondering about the serene giraffe surveying the savannah, she trapped her finger in the fridge door this morning.  Great start, giraffe-lady.

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