Saturday, 5 March 2011

That is the week that was

Guess what - a blanket of fog is lying over the village. We shall have to travel upwards, not horizontally, to find a patch of sunshine this afternoon. My Pa is staying for a few days and needs entertainment. He's already lined up this morning's highlight - pruning the ancient apple tree in the front garden. That is the good thing about parents or other willing relatives coming to stay. Pruning a tree is the kind of task that CG and I know needs doing, admire other people when they do so, regret when the time has past and no fruit is borne, but somehow never get round to anyway. Hence my joy when my father reported that he is fresh from a fruit-tree pruning course (which he paid 50 quid for) and is eager to put his newfound knowledge into action. He has already bought the 'right' tools, ascertained that our ladders are long enough, and given me a detailed analysis as to which branches are staying or going. Now all he has to do is get out there and start snipping!

Don't the weeks just fly by? Now my brother has been a married man for 7 days, he's gone all quiet over there in the Big Apple, and I hope no news is good news. My jet lag has dissipated. Now the children and I are looking forward (sort of) to a trip up north to see two aunts, one grandma, three cousins, two dogs and whoever else might be hanging around. I say sort of because the train journey is as long as the flight to New York, though not as comfortable, and nobody will be coming round to pour me a complementary glass of wine or give me a little bag of nuts during the journey. But at least there won't be turbulence!!!!

PS: I didn't blog yesterday as I had just found out that a little girl very dear to our hearts has leukaemia. Her Mum reads this blog - she might be checking it out in the hospital - and I want her to know that I am thinking of her all the time and willing the treatment to be a success. X

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