Friday, 18 March 2011

Haunted by the community spirit

Was just leaping into the car having dropped Titus at kindergarten when a sweet girl approached me with a worried look on her face. Cripes, I thought, what on earth has happened? She proceeded to ask me what I am doing tomorrow, and luckily I spied the trap before falling in, as is my usual wont, and changed my answer from nothing in particular to being out the whole day, in Munich. Just as well, because actually she wanted me to man the cake stall at the kindergarten bazaar from ten till one o'clock. Can you imagine? Trying to sell cakes in Bavarian dialect. I've done it a couple of times elsewhere, and my main problem has always been trying to slide a slice of gateau onto a cardboard plate without it (the slice) falling sideways, as this is a real faux pas. Or, you have to preempt this happening, and ask the 'customer' first if you are allowed to serve it lying on its side. Some people- genuinely - say no, and then watch like hawks as you nudge the stupid thing, beads of sweat breaking out on your forehead, slowly, ever-so-slowly onto the plate. So the prospect of all this, in a language I am still struggling to understand, was just too much for me. Of course, I've been feeling guilty all morning. But I've only got myself to blame. I foolishly showed goodwill by frolicking around as a pirate, and now I will be expected to participate in every community event. Twas ever thus. Or risk half the population of Bovinia sending me to Coventry (which actually seems quite an attractive destination nowadays - only sometimes though). I am proud of myself that I didn't weaken on this occasion, but know that next time, I will have to join in with extra vim and vigour to compensate for tomorrow's no-show. Sigh. Better look on the internet for something to do in Munich tomorrow now - there's no way I can be seen out and about round here!

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