Tuesday 8 November 2011

Achtung! Geisterfahrer unterwegs!

Literal translation: watch out - ghost-driver on the loose.  This doesn't refer to a headless horseman or any other spectre but is just as sinister, and it seems that not a weekend goes by in Bavaria without numerous such warnings being issued over the airwaves.  Yes, the phenomenon of wrong-way driving is alive and well over here.  I have no personal experience of it, happily, but it is a subject I've had to investigate in order to provide my children with a satisfactory answer.  For a while I thought I was imagining it.  Could there really be more wrong-way drivers here than in good old Blighty?  It really seems so.  Often, they are at large on the Autobahn.  Even more scarily, you will hear of them driving the wrong way through a uni-directional tunnel.  The radio presenter will urge drivers in the vicinity not to overtake or drive alongside the confused motorist but to alert the police immediately. The question is, are they confused, or are they daredevil idiots who put the rush of adrenalin before the safety of others?  My research has revealed that they are mostly old, confused, drunk or a combination of all three, as nobody will actually admit to simply doing it for a dare.  Whoever they are, it's on the increase.  If you have ever witnessed one, I would be most interested to hear about it.

P.S. CG likes to call me the queen of coincidences, and it is true that I experience an abnormal number of them.  (I won't bore you with the details now - you'll just have to take my word for it.)  I am therefore hoping that I don't encounter a ghost-driver on my way into work tomorrow morning.

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