Wednesday 24 August 2011

New kid on the block

Really felt like the new girl at work today.  Arrived at midday in the shimmering heat, sat down at my desk, was greeted with the words 'we're off to lunch now' - no problem in itself.  Then I'm offered a glass of champagne and OJ, which I accept, against my better judgment. Then all the female members of staff go off and have lunch together in an adjoining room, celebrating somebody's birthday (hence the Buck's Fizz), without a word of explanation, leaving me to man the phones. Even the cleaning lady had been invited.  They all looked a bit shifty and I have to be honest, I was hurt. When they weren't looking I chucked my drink away and sat there trying not to cry.  Until the rational side of me kicked in and said get a grip.  So I did, and smiled at them merrily when they emerged, burping delicately, from their exquisite repast. It's hard being the new kid when you're nearly forty.

Yesterday we bought a new car.  That is to say, we borrowed a lot of money to buy a new car.  It's red and black like a ladybird, though luckily the design is a little different.  And just as we were preparing to bid an emotional farewell to our trusty green Twingo, who has served us well for over nine years, it broke down and I had to be rescued by one of my new (male) colleagues in order to get home.  He recharged my battery - lucky me - and I juddered off back to Bovinia.  Twingo, you've got to hold out just a little bit longer.  Just until you are exchanged for the smart new red/black number and head off for the great Renault garage in the sky.  I've heard it's nice there - diamonds are forever (oblique reference to Renault logo).

Deep sigh, deep sigh.  Work again tomorrow.  More smiling and fitting in. Glad to have a job at all; it's got to get better soon!  Surely?


  1. Hey Dear, IT WILL GET BETTER SOON!! Trust me - as I know it from own (hard) experience! Send you lots of courage and patient! Have a good day tomorrow, I think of you! Love, Annet

  2. Mini Cooper?!

    Those silly ladies don't know their mistake: I made one of my best friends at work ; ) Chin up chicken. Miss you xx

  3. Hope work is better now :) xx
