Saturday 27 August 2011

The first snow of summer

Ah, thank you for the morale boosting comments from here and other quarters.  I shall carry them close to my heart as I trudge along the long and winding road towards acceptance.  Have to say, I've completely lost interest in new and challenging environments.  I just want to fit in, see to my daily affairs (aren't I the lucky one) and not have to get to know another person for at least six months.

The new car arrived yesterday (sadly not a Mini Cooper, but lovely nonetheless) and it was actually quite touching to observe the stir it caused in our little cul-de-sac.  Herr NN was beside himself with excitement.  He's been on a high recently anyway, as they've been having their house repainted and had to have scaffolding erected and so on.  I am surprised the painter got any work done, as Herr NN stood chatting to him the whole day long.  Plus he seemed to do all his painting with a cigarette hanging from his lip and a bottle of beer in his hand.  But I digress.  I had to push my way through the cluster of neighbours to make my maiden voyage yesterday evening, to guess where - the oh-so-thrilling Pennymarkt (we'd run out of Happy End toilet paper and I cannot contemplate another brand, in case the end is not so happy).  I also had to pick up Gaia from the station and am pleased to report that she likes the car and has now readjusted to being with her dreadful family after 3 weeks away, doing exactly as she pleased.

Today the temperature had dropped 26°C overnight.  I could see the first covering of snow on the higher peaks as I went for a lightning cycle ride this evening.  Funny how yesterday I was sent home from the office early (thank you, Mr Managing Director) due to the baking heat, and today I had to wear socks and a jacket for the first time in weeks.  I put some other clothes on too, in case you're wondering.  Life at home has taken a real turn for the better since we've had Brit-TV again.  CG is amusing himself by flicking through the channels and trying to imitate the various regional accents.  He was particularly tickled by Mancunian (Come Dine with Me).  I suppose it does sound a little strange, though nothing compared to Bavarian.

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