Saturday 22 January 2011

You will eat this... because we say so!!!!

Sorry - there was no internet yesterday (why????) but it seems to be back today. All a big mystery. Anyway, you didn't miss much. I have nothing of amusement or other value to report. Only, perhaps, an update on the sinister tiger glove puppet at Titus' kindergarten. Standing watching the kids frolicking in the snow yesterday lunchtime, I found myself next to the fierce and devout teacher. She said nothing, I said nothing. But then an inner voice told me it was now or never. Could you please explain this tiger puppet game to me, I asked. She launched into a detailed explanation. When she was done I asked what the tiger had against rice cakes. The ensuing discussion was so ridiculous and impossible to translate that I present you here with a mere synopsis: whoever the people in charge of nutrition are, at whatever the place, wherever it might be (presumably in Bavaria), they have decreed that the right and proper mid-morning snack must be a sandwich of wholemeal bread, the darker the better, with crusts, and, even more better, seeds or nuts. The filling of the sandwich is irrelevant. I know, because I checked. Teacher offered me a flyer about nutritional information, which I declined, feeling I had been patronised enough. So much for it being a free country. Do you think they'd mind if I put nutella in the sandwich?

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