Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Nowhere to sun, nowhere to hide

You know when you are mature enough to realise that you are STUCK with a situation, so there is absolutely no point moaning about it, but it drives you NUTS?  Well, that is how I feel about our ever-decreasing garden privacy.  Bad enough that Herr NN (neighbour to the left) sets his deckchair up every day, facing the sun, i.e. our garden, which I am sure is no coincidence.  Then today, I discovered that as-yet-without-a-pseudonym other neighbour, directly opposite, has set his chair up, ostensibly to watch his tomatoes growing but also just on the other side of our fence, facing our garden.  This leaves two sides of potential sunbathing space; not bad, you might think.  But the one side is flanked by a large yellow house with two rubbernecking couples living in it and the other by a track, along which go-karts, motorcycles, tractors and cows thunder on a regular basis. And, being Bovinia, they all stare as they pass.  I hope they crash into a bush.  I'm beginning to understand why people buy their own sun-beds.  It used to seem a hugely extravagant thing to do, but being able to tan in private is surely a basic human right and if needs must....  You might be wondering why I don't throw caution and inhibition to the wind and ignore them all.  If you don't know already, I am a prudish Brit.  And besides, it isn't so much the presence of other people that bothers me.  It is the fact that they point themselves in our direction with such purpose.

Having said there was no point complaining, I have done quite a good job here.  Just needed to get it off my chest.  Maybe I should take Titus up on his advice - 'try shade-bathing Mummy.  It won't make you sick and no one can see you under the apple tree'.

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