Saturday, 30 April 2011

Nuts in May

Driving through Bovinia this rainy evening we came upon a huddle of silhouettes around a crackling fire.  Not much more was distinguishable apart from Bavarian hats, a foot or two tapping to some random folk tune, and a vast log lying on its side.  This sight may have puzzled me a year ago, but now I know that the log is our village Maibaum (maypole).  Contrary to in Britain, or in fact anywhere else I've ever been where maypoles play any role whatsoever, the Bavarian variety stays up all year round APART from a brief period in April when it is removed for essential maintenance work.  It is then driven back to its site on the eve of May 1, a reason for celebration in itself, apparently.  And tomorrow it will be re-erected and returned to its former glory, lording it over the rooftops, swaying gently in the mountain breeze and getting peed on by dachshunds.  Another cause for celebration.  Maybe the guys by the fire will simply stay there all night.  If they down enough schnapps they won't notice the torrential rain, I'm sure.  Furthermore CG reliably informs me that the maypole has to be guarded.  Apparently, a common practical joke in these parts is to steal your neighbouring village's maypole, and either burn it or hack it to pieces.  Ha!  What a laugh that would be. Not.  But I long since gave up trying to understand German humour in any form.

I very much doubt that we will be present at the re-erecting ceremony tomorrow.  I believe we have some paint drying somewhere which requires our attention.  Hedda is going as our family ambassador, though, so we will get a first-hand report of the activities.

Speaking of celebrations and activities, we were shopping in Munich today, and the city centre was packed full of drunken groups lurching from pub to pub.  There were the requisite Brit stag parties (all wearing t-shirts with typical nicknames, like 'Skinny Man' - worn by a fat guy, 'Andy the Bone' - don't ask, 'Jock Strap', etc.  I looked the other way) and plenty of German ones too, men and women, cavorting around in a most undignified manner.  We got the impression that most of Munich is getting married next weekend, if they live that long.  There was also a Bayern München match on, so all in all we were lucky to escape in one piece.  All a bit much for us country-dwellers.  That said, I found everything I was looking for and more besides, sartorially speaking, and CG had an afternoon off from Herr NN, who is getting more and more involved in our gardening work, or lack of it.  Whilst we were away last week he rearranged our compost heap, removed a huge pile of dead wood that we were storing and emptied out our wheelbarrow.  Is that helpful or intrusive?  I rather think the latter.

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