Thursday, 3 February 2011

A Tall Man at the Jolly Trout

Just back from the local hostelry, the Jolly Trout, with CG. Excellent Thai-style meal -practically unheard of in this part of the world! A little salty, but then I am mega-critical.

A little vignette observed during our visit. Two guys were already sitting there when we arrived, nose to nose over a glass of beer. You could tell, though, that they weren't that interested in each other, such was their curiosity about the other diners, namely us. Just when I thought one of them - the more curious - was about to start chatting, another pair of men walked in, one of whom had to duck his head to enter the room. Nosey perked up as they sat down at the adjacent table.

So how tall would you be then? (Nosey) - 2 metres 4, or maybe 6?
2 metres 10, actually (Tall Man, not meeting Nosey's eyes, which in other words means shut the f up).
Hooo! 2 metres 10! That's massive! (sniff, wipe nose on sleeve, take giant slurp of beer - Nosey)
A small salad please (Tall Man to waitress, now regretting his choice of seat but not daring to move).
2 metres 10, would you Adam and Eve it? (Nosey, to his companion, who laughed and shook his head in disbelief.)

You know those kinds of people - I have mentioned them before here. They are absolutely determined to start up a conversation at any cost and will pick on the slightest unusual thing to get the ball rolling. Never meet their eyes - they'll have you for breakfast. They might shout goodbye at you as you leave the room, and at that stage it is ok to reply, as you are nearly at your car. But otherwise, steer well clear.

Meanwhile the Fasching (carnival) season fast approaches. Bovinia is kicking off with a party on Saturday afternoon (under 12s) and evening (teens, with DJ Franzl). Guess who got roped into doing the kids entertainment? Yes, the blogger who hates to say no. This afternoon, having upturned the contents of my entire wardrobe to find a passable costume, I gave up and went to Penny Markt. Am now the proud owner of a lady pirate dress, complete with skull and crossbones headscarf. I don't think I'll be able to wear the eye-patch during the dancing as (1) it will ruin my mascara and (2) I might trip over. Interference with my peripheral vision and all that. Nor do I know where to hang my telescope from, and the wonderful, gilded curved sword. I am sure it will all become clear nearer the time.

1 comment:

  1. please please can you get dressed up in your costume when I come over?!! let's have a pirate party...I will bring my sword xx
